9th March 2018

Milking before dawn

  1. a) The poet describes the cows like they are rocks because they have been in the rain all night and their backs are all wet and slippery. this makes them look shiny and as if they have been in the sea for ages.                                              b) This is a simile because it uses ‘as’ to compare the cows to rocks in the sea.
  2.  “The shed is an island of light and warmth,”; This metaphor shows that the paddock is a wild sea and the shed is dry and warm and light and that it is the solitary light source in the dark. it is showing that a shed is a desirable place of comfort and happiness for the cows and the farmer., which will draw them in much like an island will draw a ship in as it’s a harbor, a body of calm water in the storm.
  3.  As the sun comes out and the night is forgotten with the farmer being the only one awake to experience the hardships and the struggles of the early hours, much in the same way that when I child gets upset; it is all too soon before the child forgets what they were upset about.
  4. because she understands that everyone has a place in the world and the city dweller will have to go through many obstacles to ‘get to lunch’. In the same way that the farmer has to get through the rain and the darkness; the city man will have to overcome traffic and other everyday occurrences to get through the morning. This is why the farmer is happy to let the city dweller sleep in because they are happy with there place in the world.
  5. The New Zealand voice is portrayed in the poem by the many similes and metaphors that refer to New Zealand, for example, the metaphor about the island is very relatable to us as Nw Zealanders as we are on an island in the middle of the ocean ourselves. the narrative’s point of view is very much a common view that New Zealanders have that no one is better off than others and that everyone is equal. the writer has shown senses to put the reader in the picture.

Join the conversation! 1 Comment

  1. Great work here, Joel. You need to add more detail to the effect of the use of language features and her references to the senses.


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About Joel

sender at heart, love the outdoors, Kayaking and mountain biking english is grate but it is tuff.

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