3rd May 2019

Task #1 Essay ‘TKAM’


‘Analyse how setting was used to reinforce an idea in the written text(s).’
Note: “Idea” may refer to character or theme.’

Racism is a major theme throughout the text. Most noticeably the segregation and discrimination of the Maycomb’s black community. But also we see the way that the jury found Tom Robinson guilty after Atticus makes it blatantly obvious that Tom is Innocent.  “Our courts have their faults as does any human institution, but in this country, our courts are the great levelers, and in our courts, all men are created equal.” after hearing this statement, the jury still proceed to charge Tom with no guilt or shifted feelings.

The town is set up in a way that segregates the Ewells from the well off white folk and separates the black people from everyone.

Intro: setting

Paragraph1 The Courthouse

Paragraph2 The Church




Set in the 1930’s Harper Lees Novel; ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ is about a young girl (Scout Finch)Who, throughout the text is learning the ways of the racist world she lives in. The town of Maycomb along with locations within the town, like the church, the Courthouse, and the School reinforced the idea of racism, prejudice and hostility showed towards the blacks and the lower class of Maycomb. In the town of Maycomb, there are four ‘types’ of People. All separated from one another. with the town having Black quarters, the main white area where the middle and upper class lived, with the farmers living out in the country and the social outcasts living by the dump. Lee has used this very Physical separation of the town Helps to show us how the blacks and the lower class are not just treated with racism and prejudice, but they are literally forced to live away from the well off white man and the center of the town.

One of the main things that happen in the text is when the Finch’s black maid Calpurnia; takes the Finch children to her own church. When they arrive they are met by a black lady called Lula who is making a fuss over Scout and Jem coming to the black church. this is the first time in the novel that the children experience racism first-hand. “You ain’t got no business bringin’ white chillun here—they got their church, we got our’n. It is our church, ain’t it, Miss Cal?” This statement by Lula exemplifies the resentment that the black community has with the white folk. This also helps to reinforce the idea of prejudice In not only the white community but the African American Community as well. We see this because instead of welcoming the white children into her community she actually wants to segregate herself and is unwilling to let the children into the church. This also makes Scout realize that not only do the whites hate the negros but the Negros despise the whites. I think that Lula has been used by Lee to help show how Maycomb and is segregated prejudice ways, like any other small town in the 1930s dates back to the days of slavery. How this social divide was rooted deep in Maycomb blood. it also helps show that even in a small town like Maycomb blacks and white had to worship God separately. Negroes worshipped in it on Sundays and white men gambled in it on weekdays.”   The First purchase church allocated to the African American people was a place of gambling for the white on the weekdays. this shows that the main purpose of the church is for white men to gamble. and it shows the lengths the whites would go the show prejudice and hatred towards the black community. Harper Lee has cleverly put this little piece of information about the church to stimulate the reader and make them think about the way in which the white people desecrate the First purchase church.

The trial of Tom Robinson and the courthouse is a place in the book that helps the reader understand the injustice in the courts. “A court is only as sound as its jury, and a jury is only as sound as the men who make it up. I am confident that you gentlemen will review without passion the evidence you have heard, come to a decision, and restore this defendant to his family” Atticus’ed hoped that a strong final statement would make the Jury think beyond their white prejudice ways and open their eyes to the way they were treating Tom. This shows us how the Blacks were treated by an all white Jury “The Colored balcony ran along three walls of the courtroom like a second-story veranda . . . Just inside the railing that divided the spectators from the court.” The clear segregation in the Courthouse shows the racism that was observed within. The Whites got the best seats on the ground level while the blacks were made to be seated on the balcony, a good distance from the white population. In the 1930s most everything was segregated for blacks, and Jim Crow laws were in full effect by then. Schools, restrooms, and even restaurants were white only; and in the court, it was no different, whites wanted to keep their distance from the blacks. When Scout and Jem are asked if they want to sit with the Rev Sykes (the black Reverend) they agree and are welcomed by the black community. They like Scout and Jem because Atticus is defending Tom. I think Lee deliberately put Scout and Jem into the Black balcony, as it highlights the way whites and blacks can get along in harmony when there is no prejudice judgment made by Scout and Jem who don’t see the blacks as a dirty foul race. It made me realize that Scout has an ability, rare of a person in the 1930s; accepting people for who they are with no racial judgments. “Our courts have their faults as does any human institution, but in this country, our courts are the great levelers, and in our courts, all men are created equal.” I think that Lee has used this message in the text to reinforce the idea of prejudice and how not even justice of the courts can overcome this deeply ingrained hate towards the African American society

The Local White school of Maycomb; Literally reinforces racism and prejudice into the Innocent minds of young children. “Over here we don’t believe in persecuting anybody. Persecution comes from people who are prejudice.” Miss Gates tries to explain to the children that America is a Democracy and that unlike Germany; they don’t persecute anybody. From this, the reader can clearly see the irony of this statement. this shows how the school reinforces and impresses onesided and prejudice ideas on the children of Maycomb. This is used by Lee to show the reader how foolish and caught up in the white ways of the south people are to realize the way they are treating their fellow citizens. I think that it shows the extent that the white people are Invested in segregation, to the point where they don’t even see it as prejudice themselves. I also think that It shows how the school of Maycomb Reinforces racist and prejudice ideas into the children. Jem, how can you hate Hitler so bad and then turn around and be ugly about folks right at home?” Scout is bothered by what she has heard from her teacher about there being no prejudice in America. She turns to Jem for help. This quote shows the connection that Scout sees between the racist ways of the American south and the way Hitler is treating the Jews in Germany. Scout just can’t figure out how people can hate someone for being Prejudice and then be prejudice themselves. This Point about Hitler made me realize the level of hypocrisy that Scouts teacher has and her prejudice view on society. The reader also may see this as a common view among woman like Miss Gates in the 1930s. Lee has Used the Maycomb school as a teaching place for not only the children but for the reader, we see flaws in Miss Gates’ teaching but also the sort of thing that seven-year-olds in the 1930s we were confronted with in school. I think that through Scouts confusion and discomfort, the reader gets to see that racism and prejudice are taught and learned through the mainstream education system.

Harper Lee has utilized setting in the book To Kill a Mockingbird to support the Idea of Prejudice, throughout the text. Lee used the black church to show the extremes of segregation and disrespect towards the black community. The church was also used to show how the African American people of Maycomb congregated together to support each other financially. as well as helping to convey the hatred and envy that some of the blacks display towards whites. Harper Lee also uses the courthouse and the trial of Tom Robinson to show the prejudice ways of the all-white Jury and the racist community of Maycomb. We see the layout of the courtroom described by Scout. This helps to reinforce the way Scout perceives the segregation Lastly, we get to see the sanctimony that scout observes and the way children are taught in the 1930s. This reinforces that from a young age, children are being taught what is right and what isn’t through prejudice teachers and a town full of racist white people. overall the way that Lee has used key settings and places throughout the text exemplifies and highlights the way prejudice envelopes the whole town; from the churches to the schools to the courthouse. In Maycomb, like any other small Sothern town in the 1930s; prejudice is an unavoidable and widely accepted way of life.

Join the conversation! 2 Comments

  1. Hi Joel,

    Well done on a nice and logical structure!

    Today’s feedback:
    – Keep addressing how ‘Setting reinforces the idea’. You need to discuss this reinforcing a lot more pointedly.


  2. Morning Joel,

    Today’s feedback:
    – SEXY isn’t needed in your intro. You could also look to eliminate some of the writings there and use them in your body paragraphs
    – Read over your sentences to ensure they are all complete and make sense
    – I found BP2 stronger than BP1. Look to ensure all paragraphs are of equal weighting and strength. Also look to tidily finish each paragraph – don’t end it abruptly.
    – Continue to address both parts of the question equally throughout your writings.



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sender at heart, love the outdoors, Kayaking and mountain biking english is grate but it is tuff.

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